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Welcome to our newest member







We are very pleased to welcome our newest oversea's member Randy Smith to our Chapter. We had the great pleasure of meeting Randy, his wife Karen and daughter Alex on their recent visit to Ireland. Randy is also President of Ontario 1.

Welcome aboard Randy.

European  Convention 2017


Two Club members will travel to KiEZ „Querxenland in Germany from 8th - 10th September kindly hosted by Germany 7 and 10 Chapters. We are looking forward to seing old friends again.


Chapter President Barry O Mahony will give a presentation outlining our plans for  hosting the European Convention here in Ireland in 2018 on behalf of our Chapter.

Annual General Meeting



The club A.G.M. took place on the 17th October. Two new club officers were appointed , Keith O Callaghan as Secretary and Rory Kelly as Quartermaster. JJ Meacle moved from Secretary to Treasurer. The club  would like to thank Christy Walsh outgoing Treasurer and Joe O Toole outgoing Quartermaster for their dedication and volunteering their time in their respective positions it is greatly appreciated and we wish the new officers every success in their new roles.

EuCon 2016

A very enjoyable meeting with old and new friends took place last September in Namur, Belgium. Six members attended and enjoyed the entertainment and ride out which included a visit to Charleroi Airport Fire Station. Thank you to all members of Belgium 4 for their efforts in organising such a successful weekend. Full report coming soon.

New President


Barry O'Mahony 

President of Ireland 1


Anthony O' Donoghue due to personal reasons is unable at present to fulfil the role of President and Barry has agreed to take over the role until a formal election of officers at the Chapter AGM. Alan Roberts has agreed to take on the role of Vice President in the interim. We want to thank Anthony for his leadership and commitment to the Red Knights but especially our Chapter. He remains of course an integral member of the Chapter.



Congratulations and best wishes to Ireland 1 member J.J. Deasy who retired from Cork City Fire Brigade on 21st of June 2016. J.J. is moving on to pastures new in the private sector and we wish him and his family every success in his new adventure.


Congratulations to Ireland 1 member Christy Walsh, who retired from Cork City Fire Brigade after 15 years service, on Monday 13 June 2016. Chris served with the Irish Defence Forces,prior to joining the Cork City Fire Brigade, and served with the UN Peacekeeping Force in Lebannon. 

Wishing Chris a long and happy retirement







Welcome to new M.A.L.

All members of Ireland 1 would like to welcome John Scully of Waterford City Fire Service who became the first Member at Large in Ireland. Hopefully get to meet you soon John and in the meantime safe riding.

Best Wishes Alex.

Red Knights Ireland 1 member Alex O Shea recently attempted to beat the record for running the length of Ireland from Malin Head in the North to Mizen Head in the South. To beat the record Alex would have to run in excess of 100 miles each day. Alex put a lot of time and effort into his preparations and was doing very well on the first day until about the 85 mile mark, he injured his knee. Following consultation with the physio Alex was very disappointed to have to retire at the 101 mile mark.

We want to congratulate Alex on a fantastic effort and achievement and wish him a speedy recovery to full fitness.



Congratulations and Best Wishes to Anthony  O'Donoghue, Charter Member and President of Ireland 1, who retired from Cork City Fire Brigade on Saturday 1st November 2014. Anthony served 33 years with the Brigade















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